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Customize your BTO laptop online

Customizing your laptop online is very simple. Below follows a detailed explanation how this works.

Laptop Categories

First, determine for yourself where you want to use the laptop for. Roughly there can be three categories distinguished:

  1. Home
  2. Office
  3. Performance

Laptops for home use are intended primarily for surfing the Internet, working with office programs and watching a DVD, for example.
Business laptops are characterized by their mobility (lightweight) and high battery capacity. In addition, these laptops usually have better hardware specifications compared to the laptop for home use.
The latest category includes the performance laptops. These laptops distinct vision by utilizing the latest technological opportunities in hardware field. Often these laptops are used for Gaming and Designing.

Configuring your laptop

Now you know to which category of laptop size you're looking for, it's time to (let) them together themselves online to his own liking. Just go to a shop that can assemble custom laptops. Using a filter selection and configuration tool you made it easy to choose.
The selection filter is intended to provide an initial selection to create in the supply of a large number of custom-laptops. Here you can specify for example, what your budget is or what screen size you prefer.
The next step is the composition of the laptop that you have chosen. Usually choose the following laptop parts themselves: Display Type, Video Card, Processor, Memory, Storage memory, Network and External optical drive (DVD / Blu-ray burner).
Usually it is thereby also possible to pre-install the operating system and any Office programs on the laptop.
Finally, there may be additional services (guarantee periods, pixel warranty) should be taken or additional accessories are supplied (laptop, mouse or keyboard).

Order your customized laptop

When your laptop configuration is satisfactory, it remains actually ordered through our webshop. After that the laptop is tailor made for you. Usually the delivery time of a laptop size 10 working days.
Now your own customized laptop is a fact!